Happy Birthday Fingren

As the team celebrates its 5th year in business today. We renew our dedication to pursue the company’s vision to achieve and experience greater achievements in the years to come. 

By Harrison

It’s been an amazing year for everyone as a team and we are very happy to celebrate another year. Each year we celebrate Fingren’s birthday, it serves as a reminder of how rough it was when we first started this company as a small family and how much hard work has been put into place in addition to the importance of having amazing clients that believe in your dreams and vision.

I am glad to share our success stories with the world and how we have been able to gradually grow and come this far. We have always lived by one slogan ” SUCCESS IS ACHIEVED  AND MAINTAINED BY THOSE WHO TRY AND KEEP TRYING”  Everything process we have lived as a team is a learned experience.


“My deepest and sincere appreciation to all the efforts of my staffs because sincerely there is nothing that would have been achieved as a single individual without the cooperation, integrity and diligence of the team”

severally I have had to make constant travel in and out of the country for work relates purposes and other official reasons but I am always glad to returning back from these trips and meeting the company in its right state. I don’t take all the credit for being smart and strict in business but because I have the best staffs any growing organization  could wish for. 

Finally, my deepest appreciation to everyone that has contributed to the growth of the Fingren’s family in various ways than I can possibly list.            “THANK YOU

1 thought on “Happy Birthday Fingren”

  1. I wish you all the best Fingren. Keep on the good job. I am still enjoying the panel you constructed for me.

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